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Key Personnel

Dr. J Gregory McVerry will dedicate 4.2% of his efforts over the lifetime of the grant at a cost $27,809.43. This rate is calculated using contracted agreements with the State of Connecticut. As Prinicpal Investigator Dr. McVerry will be responsible for research design and analysis. Dr. McVerry will also facilitate in person sessions at local library branches.

Dr. McVerry will charge the grant X dollars in fringe as caculated by Y.

Graduate Student Work a graduate student worker will be hired fro 20 hours a week for the lifetime of the grant at a cost of $15.00 for a total of $19,200. The graduate student will be responsible for all data collection and will also organize both physical and online events.

The graduate student will charge the grant X dollars in fringe as caculated by Y.



Two thousand dollars annually is built into the grant to cover the cost of site visits. 1,000 reseverd annually to Dr. McVerry to visit out of states for events. The remaining 1,000 is for in-state travel by th graduate assistant at a cost of $0.53 a mile.


Alan Levine, an international expert of online pedagogy. He will provide 8 weeks of insturction each year at a rate of two teaching and two prep hours per week for $400.00.


Shared hosting will be provided by Reclaim Hosting at a cost of $30 per account annually. 60 accounts for a cost of 900 in the first year. In the second year up to 200 accounts will be made available. The total cost shared hosting will be $7,400. Any unspent accounts will be donated to participating libraries to continue the programs in following years and to archive sites locally.